Robot Name: Collision
Team: Undergraduate Robotics Team
Team Placement: ??? Place
Event: IEEE SoutheastCon 2017
Division: Student Hardware Competition
Location: ???
Competition Description:
This year’s competition involved 4 separate stages each with a unique challenge. Stage 1 involved detecting and identifying unknown electrical components to get a code. Stage 2 involved detecting and reacting to electromagnetic fields to know when to strike the ‘lightsaber’. Stage 3 used the code from Stage 1 to enter in a combination for a rotary encoder lock. Finally, stage 4 was launching nerf darts into the opening at the end of the field. Official Rules
Team Members:
- Parker Mitchell - Team Captain, Software
- Anthony Stewart - Software
- Andrew Messing - Software, Robot Design
- Maxx Robinson - Robot Design, Hardware, Electrical
- Nick Winston - Electrical
- Ben Johnson - Software
- Kevin Ye - Software
- Ben Klein - Software
- Aiden Rutter - Software