The following lists the current officers for the IEEE Student Branch at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and their duties. All officers and chairs should work in the best interest of the local members and assist in general leadership roles. Officers are expected to attend officer meetings and provide regular reports to the chairperson. They should also be active in chapter activities and represent the section professionally.

Fall 2017 - Spring 2018 Officers:

Maeve Lawniczak

Maeve Lawniczak


The job of an IEEE Chapter Chair is to manage the operations of the Chapter in the best interest of the local members and to provide leadership, guidance and a sense of purpose for other volunteers. The chair is responsible to ensure all other officers are performing their responsibilities to the best of their ability.

Roy Tan

Roy Tan

Vice Chairperson

The primary function of an IEEE Section Vice Chair is to assist the Chapter Chair in managing the operations of the Chapter in the best interest of the local members and to provide leadership, guidance and a sense of purpose for other Section volunteers. The vice-chair is in charge of Engineer’s day and also the chairperson of the IEEE advisory board.

Yaw Mensah

Yaw Mensah


The IEEE Chapter Secretary is an integral part of the Chapter’s Executive Committee. The Secretary manages the records and correspondence of the Chapter. Written summaries of the Chapter and Sub-unit activities provide an important record of events and decisions made throughout the year.

Alec Yen

Alec Yen


The section treasurer is tasked with maintaining the bank accounts and budget of the section. This office will also be responsible for any fund raising efforts.

Parker Mitchell

Parker Mitchell

Robotics Team Captain

The robotics team is a large part of IEEE’s activities at UTK, and leading the team is no small task. The team captain is in charge of managing the multiple sections of the team and coordinating efforts to make sure we make it to competition every year.

Ben Klein

Ben Klein


The webmaster is in charge of maintaining the web presence of the branch, with the primary task of developing and maintaining this website.